Thursday, March 6, 2008

Coral's Unbelievable Session

Coral's mother came by the studio yesterday and spoke with Sonya. There was a language barrier so we had to have a business neighbor translate. We understood that the session would be of a 15 year old but she would be wearing traditional Asian clothing. So, we assumed a Quinceanera with a twist. Wrong! When Maria came into the door already dressed, we were all like little kids in a candy store. Why...because we knew we were about to have an AWESOME session. It got even better when she pulled a violin out of its case. She plays beautifully and was about to do some work internationally. She has amazing eyes and skin, the camera loved her. I can't wait to see what Mark does to enhance the images. Sonya and I just stared at them trying to figure out which were the best ones. It was so hard for me that I just did "eenie meenie mynie mo" until I had four to post, enjoy!

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