Saturday, March 29, 2008

Congratulations to our Seniors

We see our customers three to four times from the moment portraits are taken to the final delivery. In this time, we get to know the families quite well. I am pleased as punch (not sure what that means) to announce college acceptances to three of our seniors. From left to right, Raven has been accepted to NYU. Chasity will be attending Stephen F. Austin University. And, the University of Missouri has given Gahn a full athletic scholarship to play football for them. We are so proud of you all and thanks for sharing, so we can share with everyone else!

Esmeralda's Senior Portraits

During this session, I went into the camera room to speak to Sonya. I entered to find Esmeralda spinning around in circles. I now see why and hopefully she did not get too dizzy:)

Kody's Senior Session

Kody's mom said he is not one to smile. Well, we got one and it's great!

Jared's Senior Portraits

Wow, some headphones, a mic and role-playing... The creativity never stops. From what I understand, Jared did not smile too much until he was put in his element. Anyone need a dj?

Tishara's Senior Portraits

We love when Seniors get creative with their potraits. I loved how Tishara brought the briefcase and pearls to give her that "fashionable, yet executive" look.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Your Prayers are Needed

Our blog is an avenue for you to get to know us and not be all business. We want you to feel comfortable when you have that first communication with us. With that being said, we may get personal from time to time.

Sonya's cousin, who is like an aunt to her, has been diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer and it is spreading rapidly. Pearl is like the grandmother you would do anything for, the one you put on the highest pedestal and dare someone to knock her off. All her family (and it's a huge one) can do is hope for a miracle, trust in Him and continue to pray. So please keep Pearl in your can be very powerful.

Aishah's Senior Portraits

Wow, these do not even look like Senior Portraits! Aishah is the third of four siblings (one brother, three sisters) to visit us. The next one is due in about seven more years. Harry Potter rules!

Preston's Senior Session

This must be the year of the football player at the Studio. Every time I look around we have one coming through the doors. Note to Toni: we need a new football. But, Preston says it's vintage. I like that term.

Charles' Senior Portraits

To Charles' mom, Jacqueline, I must commend you on raising your son. He was so polite, I almost wanted to tell him to just call me Toni and stop with the m'ams. Take a look at a few of our favorites!

Beware of the Deceptive Photographer

In the past several weeks, we have had parents and seniors from various high schools calling us in a panic. They want us to take their Senior Portraits, but are being aggressively called by the yearbook photographer saying they HAVE to take senior pictures with them. Actually, parents and seniors the only thing you HAVE to do with the yearbook photographer is photograph to be in the yearbook. You DO NOT HAVE to buy the packages, but you may have to pay a small fee for the yearbook image. There are also studios calling and saying they are your school's yearbook photographer, when that is not the case. Be careful of this. You DO HAVE A CHOICE and we are honored that you choose us.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Harvey's Senior Portraits

Harvey's sister, Mia, brought three wonderful angels to take their senior pictures here last year. Now, it is her brother's turn. I would have loved to post all of his "praise" images because they are amazing. But, I chose only one and love him jumping in the air. His girlfriend, his two extended church family members and Mia had a great time along with Mark and me telling him what to do. Hopefully all of those opinions did not drive him too crazy!

Teronica's Senior Portraits

Teronica's older sister, Monique, took her college senior portraits here in 2002, I think that's the year. Today she and her mom took the day off to play with us during Teronica's session. We all had a wonderful time laughing and giggling. Take a look at a few of our favorites.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

From All of Us... the Gallery Balthazar, we would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter, for it is a joyous occasion for all who celebrate. Alleluia!

A Mother's Legacy

This is one of the largest families we have photographed in the studio. There are 29 members and 6 were not able to make it. The matriarch, grandma, should be so proud of what she has produced as she sits proudly in the middle of it all. Of course, after all the serious business, we still like to have a

Ginna's Senior Pictures

Ginna was our last senior of a long Spring Break week. She wanted to find a grand piano, but I think the keyboard and guitar look great. Sonya and Mark did some awesome shots with her. Toni's favorite is the one with the purple and black!

Ashley's College Portraits

We took Ashley's senior portraits about 4 years ago. We've known her family for years. Ashley decided she wanted her college portraits to be just like her high school ones and brought clothes, outfits, props and the kitchen sink.

Louis' Senior Pictures

We sure are getting quite a few guys taking pictures this season. Louis' family was in the camera room teasing him while we were shooting. But, he still managed to look serious and nice for his portraits.

Eboni's Senior Pictures

Our Friday ended with Eboni. She found out about us from Ella (earlier post). Her nephew, who is two, decided to be my best friend and hung out with me in the front offices. Take a look at some of her shots.

Gabriela's Senior Portraits

Gabriela's two older sisters have been here for their senior pictures. She is the last one of them. I think she has the cutest smile! Sonya thinks she looks like Six from the television show, "Blossom".

Melissa's Formal Portraits

We took Melissa's senior portraits last fall. Since then, we have developed a great relationship with her mom, Annie. She brought us the best cookies about two weeks ago. These are wonderful formal portraits of Melissa.

Kendrick's Senior Portraits

This is our second Kendrick to come to the studio in about ten days. He and his family were a bit early, so we squeezed him in so he would not have to wait so long. Hopefully we did not drive him too crazy!

Christian's Senior Portraits

Christian stopped by the studio on a Monday (closed) while I was catching up on some work. I guess my no make-up wearing, non-professional clothing did not scare her away. She came back the next day to schedule her appointment.

Brian's Senior Portraits

Brian and his family are members of our church family. See you in Mass on Easter Sunday.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Kelvin and Ashliegh's Senior Portraits

Our day started with twins and it ended with twins. Kelvin and Ashliegh found out about us from Kelvin's girlfriend, Jamie, who is a Student Ambassador. It was a long session but a great session. They have the greatest parents who enjoyed the session just as much as we did. But, by the end, their dad really wanted some meatloaf and potatoes. Hopefully he got some since he was bringing clothes and props in from the car for days. Mom sure is lucky to have a wonderful husband and children!

Lizette's Senior Portraits

I love Lizette's outdoor shot! She also was going to be a student ambassador for us at her high school but had a lot on her plate.

Joshua's Senior Portraits

Just when we wondered if we needed to continue advertising in the yellow pages, we received a phone call from Joshua's grandmother to schedule an appointment. I think his images came out great. Thanks for coming in!

Somerr's College Portraits

Somerr is one of our college graduates and is going to be teacher. She found out about us from one of our student ambassadors. Congratulations on your degree!

Shane and Bryan's Senior Session

We photographed Shane and Bryan's parents' wedding 20 years ago. Their father is also our cousin and we have photographed many of their cousins, aunts and uncles in the past. I actually can't believe they are seniors and can remember when they were born. Now, I see them ushering in Sunday mass.

The truck is special to them. They have been working on it for about two years and actually share it. Not often can siblings share a vehicle with no problems. I guess it's different when it comes to twins!

Ronnie's Senior Portraits

Words cannot express how much of a character Ronnie is. You needed to be in his session to understand. We have shots of him being silly and they came out great. But, I do not think he would want me to post them, although I included one.

Kendra's Senior Session

Kendra is the cutest little thing and has a smile that will light up the room. Her mom is so proud of her!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Just for Inga :)

It has been brought to my attention, that an earlier post (Ashton's Senior Session) needs to be corrected. Ashton came to us because his oldest sister, Inga, took pictures here in 1996, not from his younger sister, Ashley in 2004. Inga wanted her proper credit! So, from one oldest child to another, so sorry about the typo; folks sometimes seem to forget that the oldest knows everything! ...chuckle

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ashley's Senior Portraits

Ashley's mom and Sonya have known each other since the 6th grade. Quite a bit of laughing and catching up was going on during her session. In case you can't tell, that is a GOLD district! Above are my three favorite images and she has many more. What a way to end the day.

O.J.'s Senior Portraits

Wow! Does O.J. have some great images or what? We have to commend the young men for taking our suggestions on clothing style. I love each of these and can't pick a favorite. However, the outdoor shot does look like it belongs in a magazine. O.J.'s mom said we took her niece's senior pictures about 10 or 12 years ago and loved them. She knew that she wanted us to take his pictures when it was her son's turn. Thanks for remembering us.

Tia's Senior Portraits

Tia has the honor of being the first senior to photograph with one of our new screens. I think it looks awesome. She was our first session of the day and it was a great one.

Allen's Senior Portraits

From time to time, we have someone that comes through our doors and captures our hearts. Today, it was the handsome Allen.

Ronell's Senior Portraits

What a way to end today's blog! Ronell was supposed to be one of our student ambassadors but could never squeeze in time to photograph. Sonya made sure she teased him during much of the session reminding him of what he was to do last summer. I now know why she was staring at the computer stunned. These are amazing!

Candace's Senior Portraits

Candace is another one of our consultations from last week. She brought her BFF, Norvelle, who wants to photograph with us after Spring Break. She also had her nephew, Tommy who is 3, with her too. Let me tell you, for a 3 year old boy, he was just an angel. Here are a few images from her session.

Chasity's Senior Portraits

Chasity was a senior with a mission. After her consultation last week, she knew exactly what she wanted for her session! We love that, it makes our job easier. Oh and talk about six degrees of separation, Chasity's mom (who happens to look like Pam Grier) works with Ramon's (post below) mom. Chasity and Ramon go to different high schools.

Ramon's Senior Portraits

Ramon's mom called us a few hours before his session and asked if he could bring in his guitar. Of course! We always encourage seniors to bring in props that add that special touch. We photographed Ramon's older sibling several years ago. Thank you to mom for visiting us again!

Imesha's Senior Portraits

Imesha found her way to our studio because of Brittani's (earlier post) experience with us a few weeks ago. Once again, we thank all who are pleased with the imagery we create and refer us to friends. Above are two of our favorites!

Myka's Senior Portraits

Myka was about an hour or so early for her appointment. Her grandmother wanted to make sure they got here in plenty enough time before the heavy rains hit. She had two of the cutest nieces that entertained me in between customers.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Ella and Betty

These two remind me of my BFF, Melissa, and me. They do everything together. The girls were a joy to work with and did not even complain when the AC went down on one of our units during their session. Some of Ella's friends that live in NS came by for a visit too. I think they actually wore Mark and Sonya out. But, no worries for all of you coming in this week. Our AC (thank you Bob Ballew) guy was here first thing this morning and all is well.

Betty's Senior Portraits

Betty has amazing eyes and can tell any story with them. She is BFF (best friends forever for those parents not knowing text language) with Ella. Betty was a little nervous when we started but looking at these awesome images, you would never know it. My personal favorite is the one on the left.

Ella's Senior Portraits

It was so important for us to do Ella's senior portraits, that she had her mother come meet me on a Monday (Studio closed) to prepay her session fee. She did not want anyone to take her Saturday spot. Now that really makes us feel good about what we do:) She had some wonderful images. While I was writing her entry, I could not quite put my finger on whom she resembles. Then, it came to me... Jordin Sparks! What do you guys think?

Christina's Senior Portraits

I loved all of Christina's pictures and found it hard to narrow it down to these four. The outdoor images were amazing. Her mom and Patrick's (from an earlier post) are friends and that is how she found out about us. Please keep spreading the word, we love meeting new clients each day.

Josephine's Senior Portraits

Josephine's dad was one of my father's students and football players back at Wheatley High School. Therefore she has a Wildcat connection to us. I absolutely love her feather drape pose. The green looks wonderful!

Tyrone's Senior Portraits

Tyrone is another young man who has a parent that taught him how to speak to adults. He was extremely polite when speaking to all of us. Take a look at a few of his images.

Christopher's Senior Portraits

Christopher has a wonderful smile. But, no matter how hard his mom or I tried, he would not give us one until after Mark took the picture. I even did my silly happy dance, no luck. He stayed true to his distinguished look, which is nice too!

Andrew's Senior Portraits

Andrew is another one of our repeat clients. His sister, Katie, was one of our seniors last year. Thanks for choosing us again!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gahn's Senior Portraits

Let me see if I can get the degrees of separation on how we know Gahn. He is mom's good friend's, who happens to be our accountant, sister's son. A simpler version would be we photographed his brother several years ago! It was a day full of handsome young men.