Tuesday, February 26, 2008

We're live, we're live!!!

OMG!!!  Our new website is FINALLY up for everyone to see.  This has been a long time coming and we are all like kids in a candy store.  Yes, it's 2:00 in the morning, and yes I'm still at the Studio.  I was on my way home about 1:30 and remembered about an email I had forgotten to send.  Decided to check to see if the site was up and as I hit "return" I saw it...our logo.  I screamed and called Mom and told her.  She screamed.  Then, text messages were sent to Mark and Sonya because I knew they had to be sleeping at this hour...NOT!  Soon my cell was ringing and the 4 of us were on conference call (can't believe Mom knew how to connect Mark) all on computers and looking at all of our hard work finally becoming a reality.  Be sure to visit us online and tell us what you think.  Going now, like we can actually sleep now...

1 comment:

Melissa Gonzalez said...

Fabulous Job! I love it....every bit of it especially the music selection.