Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My BFF, Melissa

From time to time, we tend to get personal on our blog. It is our hope, that you see us as not just as business, but real people. This leads me to today's post. Melissa and I have been best friends for 24 years. I am the godmother of her two wonderful children. The last 18 months have been hard on her and her family. You see, 18 months ago in December, she lost her dad to Cancer. He was a great man and like a father to me. She and her mom forged an unbreakable bond like no other and got each other through the heartache. Then, last December, Melissa was diagnosed with cervical Cancer. Once again, another hurdle she and her mom would get each other through. Melissa was tired of the chemo treatments, but her mom told her she needed to do it and it was almost finished. We would have to wait for the Summer PET scan to see if it was gone. Just as we were sure all of the heartache and tragedy was gone, Melissa lost her mother last month. Seventeen months after losing her dad. How she got through the month, I'll never know. My heart still aches each time I think of Ms. G, a second mom to me. You may all think, what more can happen to my BFF. Well, I'll tell you...

At 9:21a.m. today, I received a text from Melissa which read: "Dr. just told me I am cancer free. Praise Jesus. I needed some good news!" You see, He never gives us more than we can handle. Even though, some of the things that happen may be painful, He always does something to make it better. I'd also like to think there were a "couple" of angels pushing Him in the right direction.

Thanks for letting me share the best news ever!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bridal Extravaganza Show July 10th and 11th

It's that time of the year again. If you missed the January show, be sure to make plans to attend the July show! Bring your bridesmaids, your mom or even that lucky fella that gave you that beautiful ring! Stop by our booth #1235 and say hello. We'd love to visit with you! Tell all your friends, we'd love to see them too...

Be sure to visit the Bridal Extravaganza website at www.bridalextravaganzashow.com to find out any information you may need to know for this wonderful weekend! Order tickets online to save a little and avoid standing in long lines!