Saturday, March 21, 2009

High School Senior Promotion

Calling ALL HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS! Remember, there is just one week remaining on our Spring Senior Portrait Special. You can see the details a few posts below. We still have a few appointment slots remaining. Don't be left out of three great savings choices.

Updating Our Blog!

Be prepared for an onslaught of updates and postings. I am terribly behind so I will be playing catch-up the next few weeks. Hopefully, I'll get some great stuff online right before we begin our crazy Prom and senior season. Toni will be dragging her tongue!

Little Miss Ava

Isn't she a cutie? Ava's parents are Kari and Danny. We captured their wedding a few years ago. It is such an honor when our past clients remember us for the next milestone in their lives. Danny came towards the end of the session, so I said "give us your arm..."