Friday, November 6, 2009

Christmas Portrait Special

The Holidays are upon us and closer than we think. We are having our Christmas Portrait special again this year. The Special days are November 20th through December 22nd. Appointments are filling up fast, really!

The special is designed for families (7 or less people, please), couples, individuals and children. Please see the information above.

Please understand that the background is NOT a Christmas theme. The background is selected to complement the feel and attire of your clothing... or where it will hang in your home. These finished portraits may be given as Christmas gifts, however.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


We have been photographing Sarah since she was a baby. She and her sister Rebecca take portraits twice a year. Each for their birthdays and in the Summer for the cousins picture.

Amanda's Senior Session

Amanda and her family put a great deal of effort into planning her senior session. These are just a few of the amazing images captured last week. On a side note, her grandma is such a doll.

Dorelia's Family

Dorelia is becoming a fast family member of the Gallery Balthazar. Last year she and her boyfriend took portraits. You may recognize her from our General Gallery. This year she wanted to take portraits with her family to mark her parents' anniversary. Who is next D?

The Diva... Ms. Linda

Ms. Linda came to us because she wanted display a portrait at her retirement celebration. At first she wanted the traditional portrait. In the end, she chose the DIVA pose! And, what a pose it was!

Little Miss Iris

This was Iris' second session with us. For her first one, she was not a happy camper. Her grandma later told us she had a "bow-bow" on her toenail no one knew about. She had so much fun this next time around. We just let her do what she wanted!

LaTeesha's Urban Session

LaTeesha is the niece of one of our past Seniors from... the late 80's (gasp). I think this will be the last one for a while. Four of them have been through. Vachael wanted "Mookie-Moo" to have a different type of Senior Portrait Session. Hence, our urban session. She had lots of amazing images, it was had to select just these! Hopefully we will do more "urban sessions" next senior season!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

High School Senior Promotion

Calling ALL HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS! Remember, there is just one week remaining on our Spring Senior Portrait Special. You can see the details a few posts below. We still have a few appointment slots remaining. Don't be left out of three great savings choices.

Updating Our Blog!

Be prepared for an onslaught of updates and postings. I am terribly behind so I will be playing catch-up the next few weeks. Hopefully, I'll get some great stuff online right before we begin our crazy Prom and senior season. Toni will be dragging her tongue!

Little Miss Ava

Isn't she a cutie? Ava's parents are Kari and Danny. We captured their wedding a few years ago. It is such an honor when our past clients remember us for the next milestone in their lives. Danny came towards the end of the session, so I said "give us your arm..."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We are now on Facebook! Woo-hoo!

We have now joined the next genre of internet communications. So for those of you on facebook, be sure to become one of our fans. You can visit us by searching "The Gallery Balthazar." As soon as I figure out how to link the page to our blog, I will update this entry. See you soon!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2009 Senior Promotion

Congratulations Class of 2009! It is time for our annual Senior Portrait special. Be sure to call to schedule your appointment to take advantage of our special savings before time runs out! Click on either image to see a larger version.