Monday, September 1, 2008

North Shore 10, Katy!!

What can I say? I think Friday's game is definitely going in the books for a true nail biter. Sold out stadium, standing room only, folks begging for tickets, some NS fans having to sit on the Katy side! I have never had more fun at a football game than the "I-10 Showdown" as I have named it. It was better than any playoff game I have been to and trust me I have been to many in the last decade thanks to the amazing boys that comprise the powerhouse of a football team at North Shore.

I saw many alumni from all graduating classes and my wonderful Class of 89 was represented well as some of us sat together and cheered like there was no tomorrow!

A special "thank you" to all our boys who came in this summer for pictures and said "don't worry about the game, we plan to make you proud!" Boy did they ever. And not to slight Katy, they are a great program. We simply are greater!

Above are a few pictures from the game taken by Cindy Rial. Thank goodness for her because I could not even aim, much less shoot our camera with all the yelling and jumping up and down I did!