Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cross the Stage Pictures

Graduates and Parents!! Stage pictures are ready for pick-up at the Studio for NS and GP graduates. If you live outside of the surrounding community, they have been mailed. WR graduates, your pictures have been mailed as well. EWA graduates, your pictures are ready. However, we cannot deliver them to the school until the invoice has been paid.

We appreciate all who read the bottom of the receipt which read "please allow SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS" from the Graduation date for delivery :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Baby Angel's Baptism Session

Some of you may remember Angel from one of our first postings. Well, this time around we have his Baptism portraits. I cannot believe how much he has grown in a few short months.

The Collins/Washington Family

Have I mentioned how much I love casual family portraits. Our clients feel relaxed and have a great time during the session. This is my favorite.

The Roberson's

Family portraiture is now changing. So many times, we are often told "I do not want the traditional pose people are used to." That's all we need to hear. The Robersons were on their way to the airport and walked in while we were having our weekly Tuesday staff meeting and asked of we could please squeeze them in. I love these!