Monday, April 21, 2008

Keani's Senior Session

Keani's family has taken pictures with us before. She has some really great images. Sonya found a new background prop to use and it looks wonderful with the light.

Ashley G's College Portraits

Ashley is another one of our past high school seniors. It's amazing how time flies. She is also one of Ashton's (earlier post) older sisters. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation!

Jeremy's Senior Session

We took Jeremy's college portraits four years ago. My how time flies, we are so proud of you!

Carlos' Senior Session

Carlos' sister took her senior pictures here last year. This has been the week of repeats, we just love you guys!

Roy's Senior Portraits

Roy's older brother was just here last year. We also did his sister a few years ago. Thanks, mom, for coming to us yet again.

Erlandria's Senior Session

Erlandria goes to school with Tia and Aisha (earlier posts). The power of the referral is amazing. Keep them coming in! I think the ROTC shot is awesome.

Shearine's Senior Session

We have had quite a few Cap and Gown sessions. Shearine is one more to add to the list. Thanks for trusting us to take your portraits.

LaDarrius' Senior Portraits

After many conflicts, we were finally able to get LaDarrius in for his session. His mom was so happy!

Chelsea's Senior Session

Above we have the wonderful Chelsea. Here is one of the images from her Cap and Gown session.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rebecca's Senior Session

Becky was such a character during her session. Come to find out she does some photography and asked how we started. Who knows she may be able to help us out in the future!

Jonathan's Senior Portraits

For the first time in 20 years, I did not remember to put a session in the books. Funny thing is I just talked to Jonathan's mom yesterday. Luckily he and his mom are really nice and we had the slot open. I think his portrait looks wonderful and so did his mom!

Sarahi's Senior Portraits

It is getting harder for me each session to narrow down my choices. Sarahi is so cute she barely reaches my elbow. Above are some of our faves.

Justin's Senior Session

We have had quite a few seniors from the Baytown schools this year. We can now add Justin to that list.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Austin's Senior Portraits

I'll give you one guess about where Austin will be attending college in the fall. I think it's pretty obvious. I even think his dad said that helmet belonged to Vince! Do you think it's coincidence that his name is Austin?

Jordan's Senior Session

Jordan comes to us because his cousin took his pictures with us in 2006. We love family referrals, please keep them coming and thank you. His parents and I were freezing during the session because we have to keep it cold in the camera room. They laughed at me because even though I was cold I was eating an ice-cream sandwich.

Courtney's Senior Session

We have had an amazing group of seniors coming through our doors and Courtney is one of them. I love the one with the hot pink in the background.

Brittany J's Senior Portraits

OMG! Is this the month of "Brittanys" or what? I loved all of her images and decided to post the non-traditional ones. They look more like magazine layout images!

Brittany R's Senior Portraits

Our second Brittany in two days is also a second generation senior whose mom was here back in 1988. She was so cute and bubbly. There was much laughing going on during her session that I had to miss because I was taking an order!

Krysten's Senior Portraits

We have been photographing Krysten's cheerleader pictures for the last four years. It will be strange not seeing her next year. Take a look at a few of my faves!

Brittany B's Senior Session

Brittany is yet another second generation senior. Her mom visited us back in 1988. She actually did not think she needed to take pictures but quickly changed her mind when she was having lots of fun posing!

Britney's College Portraits

Britney last visited us four years ago for her high school senior portraits. It was great to see her again. We barely made it outside before the rain started. Her umbrella was actually used for more than a prop.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Broussard Family

Our families have known each other for years. We even photographed Angela and Wilfred's wedding. They decided to update their family images. At the end of the session, I had an idea that would have Alex as the main focal point and told Mark about it. I think it turned out awesome!

Donnie's College Session

Donnie is getting his degree in broadcast journalism and hopes to be behind the scenes producing. I have a great idea for a reality show about a portrait studio and the cool people that work there :)

Princeton's Senior Session

Princeton has the amazing gift of voice. When he makes it big, we get to say we knew him when...

Joel's Senior Session

Joel was such a character when he came in for his session. We felt like we knew him for years. His mom was so cute as she got a little misty-eyed when we took his cap and gown shots. She wants the two of them to come in later and take portraits. You can tell Joel thinks the world of his mom and vice versa. Make us all proud at Blinn.

Gwen's Senior Session

Gwen has a million dollar smile and is so sweet. Her cousin, a stylist, came in to help with her hair and make-up... it looks wonderful. She is her school's queen. From the hour she spent with Mark and me, I can see why she was elected. These are two of my favorites!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Megan's Senior Session

Megan's mom found out about us from Teronica (earlier post). Once Megan saw the pictures, she knew she wanted us to capture her senior pictures. Wow, what a wonderful complement to the work we do. Above are a few of my favorites.

Briana's Senior Session

Briana is the last of four siblings to photograph with us. Her older sister and twin brothers were here in '04 and '06, I think (I'm getting older!). Take a look at some of her images. I have the image cropped tight but she is really high off the ground in the jumping one.

William's Senior Session

Wow, this is definitely the season of second generation seniors. We took his mom's pictures back in 1988. William did not want to smile. But, with his mom in the camera room, he had NO choice!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Ismael's Senior Portraits

I'm telling you, guys never want to smile or show teeth during their sessions. Ismael gave us teeth when his dad gave him that soccer ball. Who knows maybe he will play for the Dynamo, Cruz Azul or Chivas USA one day. Didn't think I knew any soccer teams, huh?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Christina has made the wonderful choice of becoming a Longhorn (absolutely no bias here). Her mom told us the news this afternoon. Your first football game experience there is going to be amazing. Hook 'em Horns!

Three more off to A & M

Just found out today that three of our seniors are off to College Station in the Fall. From left to right we have Gabriela, Evette and Jackie. Make us proud even through you are going to be Aggies! :)

Stacey's College Portraits

Stacey and her mom came in last Saturday for a consultation. What generally lasts about 30 minutes turned into close to an hour. We visited about all sorts of things including our families in Louisiana.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Taylor's Senior Portraits

Taylor was such a cutie when she came in. First, she did not let a little rain keep her from her appointment. Second, she giggled her entire session. It was hardest when Mark told her not to smile for the serious pose. The giggles really came which had us laughing too. I think the purple looks awesome on her.

Jessica's Senior Portraits

Jessica had a great session today. You can tell it's Spring because the flowers are in bloom on her outdoor pose. Just a few short weeks ago, those flowers were not there. Take a look at a few of our favorites!

Home for a Visit

My baby sister, Angelique (we call her Angee), came into town for a brief visit from Florida this past weekend. She said she needed a mommie-fix. Just like when she was little, she wanted to come to the studio, "play dress-up" and take some pictures. Well, she did need some new business suit images. Did I mention that she is not going to be too happy that I said "play dress-up"?