Friday, February 29, 2008

Katharine's Session

This was a special session for us. Katharine is one of Anne-Marie's (middle Balthazar daughter) dearest friends from work who now lives in Kentucky. She is actually in town for her Houston baby shower, so we asked her to come in and pose for us. We had a blast during the photography. Hopefully we did not wear her out too much. She and Steven (the greatest husband) are going to make wonderful parents.

Jasmine's Senior Session

Wow! We have had a great week of senior portrait sessions. Above, you will find a few of Jasmine. She had some great clothing styles. Check out that tiara. It's getting harder for us to choose what we show to everyone.

Tedra's Senior Portrait Session

Well, we must be doing something right! Tedra is a second generation Gallery Balthazar senior. We took her mother's senior portraits back in 1988. We are always humbled when we are fortunate enough to do a second generation client. I was blown away by all of her wonderful images. It was extremely hard for me to choose the five shown above. Kudos to Mark and Sonya for another awesome session!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Robert's Senior Pictures

We get all mushy at the Studio every once in a while and this is one of those occasions. We first photographed Robert when he was three months old and now he's 17 and a graduating senior. My how time flies. Here are a few of our favorite images.

We're live, we're live!!!

OMG!!!  Our new website is FINALLY up for everyone to see.  This has been a long time coming and we are all like kids in a candy store.  Yes, it's 2:00 in the morning, and yes I'm still at the Studio.  I was on my way home about 1:30 and remembered about an email I had forgotten to send.  Decided to check to see if the site was up and as I hit "return" I saw it...our logo.  I screamed and called Mom and told her.  She screamed.  Then, text messages were sent to Mark and Sonya because I knew they had to be sleeping at this hour...NOT!  Soon my cell was ringing and the 4 of us were on conference call (can't believe Mom knew how to connect Mark) all on computers and looking at all of our hard work finally becoming a reality.  Be sure to visit us online and tell us what you think.  Going now, like we can actually sleep now...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Elvira & Oli blessed with a little Angel

Literally that is... He is just five weeks old and is true to his name, Angel. We photographed Mom and Dad late last year before he decided it was time to make his entrance on January 18th. Can you believe he is actually teething? Sonya and Mark had a great time during the session. Dad actually got a little surprise "shower" from Angel :) These are just a few of the images from the session. Sonya loves the one with his head on top of Mickey Mouse. It looks like he is wearing mouse ears. We can't wait to get some of them up on the website!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Our New Website

Okay guys, everyone keep your fingers crossed! After working all week and into most of the night each day, we hope to have the new Gallery Balthazar website live by Tuesday. It has been a labor of love with just a few knock-down, drag-out fights between the 4 of us... creative differences :) We are all going home at a decent hour tonight to get some much needed sleep!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Senior Portrait Special

I can't believe we have been sucked into the world of blogs! I'm so excited. So, for our first post we are introducing our current Senior Portrait special. Take a look and give us a call. You don't want to miss this!

Much love,