Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

The silly folks standing out in the snow with no jackets, pretending not to be cold, while Mark took the picture would like to take this time to wish all of our family, friends, customers and associates a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday. Be safe!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Gobble, Gobble

Anne, Mark, Sonya and Toni would like to wish all of you and yours a very "Happy Thanksgiving." We have much to be thankful for and hope we continue to be blessed!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas Portrait Special!

It's that time of year again. Why not give the perfect gift of portraiture to your loved ones? Our Christmas portrait special will be going on November 20th through December 21st this year. Be sure to give us a call to schedule your appointment as time slots are filling quickly!

To view or print pricing, simply click on the image above.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Little Miss Aubrey

We have never had a challenge we could not meet. Aubrey almost got us but in the end, Mark conquered! Her mom had been trying to have her photographed for quite sometime. Our awesome client, Elvira, suggested they come to us. After much, singing, playing, bribery and chase we captured these amazing images. Aubrey's mom was amazed. Mom also now has her first grandchild because Aubrey calls her Grandma and has mom wrapped around her little finger!

Monday, September 1, 2008

North Shore 10, Katy!!

What can I say? I think Friday's game is definitely going in the books for a true nail biter. Sold out stadium, standing room only, folks begging for tickets, some NS fans having to sit on the Katy side! I have never had more fun at a football game than the "I-10 Showdown" as I have named it. It was better than any playoff game I have been to and trust me I have been to many in the last decade thanks to the amazing boys that comprise the powerhouse of a football team at North Shore.

I saw many alumni from all graduating classes and my wonderful Class of 89 was represented well as some of us sat together and cheered like there was no tomorrow!

A special "thank you" to all our boys who came in this summer for pictures and said "don't worry about the game, we plan to make you proud!" Boy did they ever. And not to slight Katy, they are a great program. We simply are greater!

Above are a few pictures from the game taken by Cindy Rial. Thank goodness for her because I could not even aim, much less shoot our camera with all the yelling and jumping up and down I did!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Waiting for Jayden

What an amazing time we had during this session. For someone who used to love the high key (white) lighting, my favorite has now become low key lighting which is darker and more dramatic. Mommy and Daddy were pretty much up for any ideas we had and loved the images produced. Can't wait for Jayden to make his appearance!

Thomas' Session

I do not think there are words to describe the crazy session we had with Thomas. In fact, what happens in the camera room, stays in the camera room!

Willie and the Girls

This was such a fun session. Patrica came to know us through my sister Anne-Marie. She called and said I need to come in for my mother's day present, but I want it to be different. After a few of the standard posed images, we just let Wilie and the girls be themselves. Patrica loved the final results. Here are just a few of our favorites!

Monday, August 4, 2008

North Shore Yearbook Mailer

Above is the mailer sent to all the North Shore Seniors. Simply click on the images to enlarge and print if necessary. Please note that THE GALLERY BALTHAZAR is the official yearbook photographer for NS.

The studio constantly calling you from Pasadena is NOT the yearbook photographer as many of you have told us they are saying. Only OUR portraits are able to appear in the official Senior section of the NSSH yearbook.

North Shore Yearbook Price List

North Shore Class of 2009 parents and seniors, above is the special yearbook pricing. To see a larger view, simply click on the image. You may also print from the page once you have enlarged it. Be sure to call and schedule your yearbook session if you have not done so.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cross the Stage Pictures

Graduates and Parents!! Stage pictures are ready for pick-up at the Studio for NS and GP graduates. If you live outside of the surrounding community, they have been mailed. WR graduates, your pictures have been mailed as well. EWA graduates, your pictures are ready. However, we cannot deliver them to the school until the invoice has been paid.

We appreciate all who read the bottom of the receipt which read "please allow SIX TO EIGHT WEEKS" from the Graduation date for delivery :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Baby Angel's Baptism Session

Some of you may remember Angel from one of our first postings. Well, this time around we have his Baptism portraits. I cannot believe how much he has grown in a few short months.

The Collins/Washington Family

Have I mentioned how much I love casual family portraits. Our clients feel relaxed and have a great time during the session. This is my favorite.

The Roberson's

Family portraiture is now changing. So many times, we are often told "I do not want the traditional pose people are used to." That's all we need to hear. The Robersons were on their way to the airport and walked in while we were having our weekly Tuesday staff meeting and asked of we could please squeeze them in. I love these!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rachelle's Senior Session

We had quit a few seniors making their way down 45N to come and see us. Rachelle was one of those persons. Thanks Rachelle and mom. I'm not sure who had more fun taking pictures, Rachelle or her puppy.

Vincent's Senior Pictures

Vincent's sister took her senior pictures here about two years ago and this time it was his turn. He did an amazing job for us. Way to go Vincent!

Amanda's Senior Session

Okay, so even though this was suppose to be all about Amanda's senior portraits, can you figure out who stole the show?

Mia's Senior Session

There are no words to describe Mia's session. This is just one facet of her many images. We simply turned on the high speed fan and put Beyonce on the CD player. The rest was history! This was made into a 16x20 for her graduation party.

Daisy's College Session

Daisy is one of our area high school's past Homecoming Court members. She had such amazing images it was hard for her to choose which ones to order from. She's off to medical school! Wow.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Brittany to be a Cougar!

Speaking of my godchild, Brittany has been accepted to UTSA and UH. I am sooooooo happy she has decided to attend UH and stay home with me (well her mom, dad and Adrian too). I would be so sad if she was in San Antonio. Can't wait to go shopping for her dorm room.

Liz' Senior Session

Liz and my godchild, Brittany have been best friends since the 4th grade. They are at different high schools but still remain close. Her nickname is "Smiley" and I'm sure you can figure out why. Take a look at some of her amazing images! Liz will follow in her mom's footsteps and attend Sam Houston State in the fall.

Onecimo's Senior Session

Onecimo makes me laugh. We delivered his Prom pictures to his school the day after he took his senior pictures. He said "man you guys did these pictures too!" The funny thing is he photographed on the camera Mark and I worked on.

Britney G's Senior Session

Yep, once again another Britney. I think we are up to 10 now! Here are two of my favorites.

Marcie's Senior Portraits

Marcie decided she wanted two outfits outdoors. She changed in her car and did not miss a beat when posing. We are constantly entertained by our Seniors!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Trinidad's Senior Session

Trinidad brought an entourage of friends when she came in for her session. Everyone had a great time. She is so petite, she barely reached my elbow.

Ivory's Senior Session

Ivory's older siblings have been our past seniors and now it is her turn!

Nicholas' Senior Session

Nicholas is the last of his family to be graduating. He has two older brothers and a sister and we know them all. He is actually quite a character and had me laughing while placing his order.

Brittany S' Senior Portraits

Brittany comes to us because we did her older sister's senior portraits. Thanks for visiting us again!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Durran's Senior Session

Durran's aunt, Vachel, was one of our seniors in the late 80's. She brings all nieces and nephews in when it's time for pictures. She thinks she runs the studio, we pretend to let her :) Look how awesome these are!

George's Senior Portraits

George's older brother, Mina, was one of our seniors last year. We enjoyed his session just as much as we did his brother's. I love the tuxedo pose.

Joetta's Senior Session

Joetta was rushing to get to us and did not want to be late for her senior appointment. She had just come off the bus from a school field trip!

Alex' Senior Session

Alex comes to us, as a referral, from one of our favorite senior mom's, Annie G.

Shamyra's Senior Session

Wow, what a great session. Since I am a bit behind, I think Shamyra is a second generation senior. We sure have been getting a lot this season. I love the club scene Mark did for her.

Kaytia's Sesnior Session

Kaytia and her mom had us in stiches during her consultation and it carried on into her session a few days later. We really enjoy our customers and the new friends we make!

Earl's Senior Session

Earl came in with sisters, aunts and cousins to make sure he smiled in his pictures. Looks like he had no choice but to comply!

Brandi's Senior Session

From the above images, you can tell Brandi had tons of fun during her session. As most of you can see, I'm way behind on blogs. I mentioned it to her dad, and he said I needed to get his baby's pictures up asap!

Rhadaya's Senior Portraits

Rhadaya is yet another second generation senior. Mom was through here in 1986 or maybe it was 1988. She even knows our photographer Mark!

Antionette's Senior Portraits

Most of the time our seniors are brought in by their mom's. Antionette's dad came with her and had a great time during the session.

Jabrille's Senior Session

Wow, we must be doing something right for seniors to drive a while to get to us. Jabrille and her grandmother came in from Conroe for us to capture her senior portraits!

Khadijah's College Session

Our families have been friends for years! I can't recall what all she is degreeing in but it is something with a double-major and a minor. Khadijah wants to teach at a University. Now she's off to get her Master's!.

Travis' Senior Session

Travis really did not think it was necessary to take pictures. His mom had other ideas! When will kids learn that mom's rule the kingdom?

Sake's Senior Session

Sake called us one day and said she "loved our website". She loved it so much that she was canceling her appointment with another photographer to come to us. She asked me for directions coming from New Waverly. For those of you who do not know, New Waverly is just outside of Huntsville!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Keani's Senior Session

Keani's family has taken pictures with us before. She has some really great images. Sonya found a new background prop to use and it looks wonderful with the light.

Ashley G's College Portraits

Ashley is another one of our past high school seniors. It's amazing how time flies. She is also one of Ashton's (earlier post) older sisters. Congratulations on your upcoming graduation!

Jeremy's Senior Session

We took Jeremy's college portraits four years ago. My how time flies, we are so proud of you!

Carlos' Senior Session

Carlos' sister took her senior pictures here last year. This has been the week of repeats, we just love you guys!

Roy's Senior Portraits

Roy's older brother was just here last year. We also did his sister a few years ago. Thanks, mom, for coming to us yet again.

Erlandria's Senior Session

Erlandria goes to school with Tia and Aisha (earlier posts). The power of the referral is amazing. Keep them coming in! I think the ROTC shot is awesome.

Shearine's Senior Session

We have had quite a few Cap and Gown sessions. Shearine is one more to add to the list. Thanks for trusting us to take your portraits.

LaDarrius' Senior Portraits

After many conflicts, we were finally able to get LaDarrius in for his session. His mom was so happy!

Chelsea's Senior Session

Above we have the wonderful Chelsea. Here is one of the images from her Cap and Gown session.